/ 氷の鋭的时间胶囊 ...more

  • 更新了签名: God\'s in his Heaven, All\'s right with the world. 2009-7-17 06:49
  • 更新了签名: God\'s in his Heaven, All\'s right with the world. 2009-7-17 06:49
  • 在玩 Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos 2009-7-17 06:47
  • 玩过 StarCraft 2009-7-17 06:46
  • 在玩 CLANNAD 2009-7-17 06:46
  • 更新了签名: God\'s in his Heaven, All\'s right with the world. 2009-7-17 06:44

/ 氷の鋭的朋友 ...more

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