  • Bangumi 2020-6-22 加入


2024-5-8 10:43 (+2)
——评 你想活出怎样的人生 刚看完的时候写了短评,笔者现在也认为本作的主要意象全部可找到其喻意,只是当时一方面受制于短评长度另一方面也考虑到全部罗列无疑有擅下论断、过度解读之嫌而没有尽数 ... (more)


2024-1-23 20:24 (+1)
”I didn't first have an idea (of) why do I need movies and start to analyse them. It began with enjoying the movies, let me be frankly self-critical, I think that more than half o ... (more)


2023-6-8 21:56 (+1)
”Hello guys, We would like to inform you that we have decided to shut down our site. The past 2 years have been very difficult for us - some of the people in our team died due to ... (more)


2023-3-8 20:33 (+1)
很早就看过ym全集以及ypm也久闻《是,大臣》的大名了,不过也只是近期陪家人重新看了三季yes,minister之中才以全新的眼光审视了一遍这部神剧。我个人非常欣赏这一季第一话“机会均等”中代表女性的 ... (more)