Rot Gut 游戏

  • 中文名: 腐肠
  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: AVG
  • 游戏引擎: FLASH
  • 游玩人数: 1


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    Rot Gut is an action packed platformer set in America's 1920's Prohibition era. You take control of an agent who, to uncover their mysteries, goes on a mission to fight the city's underground armed to the teeth organizations.

    Game is %100 done and ready to be distributed.


    - Gameplay: Several levels with different gameplay themes.

    - Art: Graphics are based on 1920's American gangster's era with Noir style mixed with retro aspects of pixel art.

    - Music: Each level has it's own uniquely composed music that is an exciting mixture of chiptune and 1920's Jazz.

    - Details: In order to make the game feel more fun, strong attention was paid to the details in the game; from the small sound of shotgun shells bouncing on the ground to that kick that firing a shotgun should have.

    - Cutscenes: Game features 5 different cutscenes with full sound effects that played various parts during the game to tell the story and also prevent repetition.

    - and MORE! ...:

    About the name: "Rot Gut" basically means the stomach ache that was caused by drinking bad or home made alcoholic drinks that were popular in 1920's due to it's prohibition.

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    从前有个小朋友 玩过 @ 2013-10-28 00:13


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