Comics and Sequential Art

  • 中文名: 漫画和分镜头艺术
  • 出版社: Poorhouse Press、易博士出版上海人民美术出版社
  • 别名: 漫畫與連環畫藝術
  • 发售日: 1985-01-01
  • 页数: 158
  • ISBN: 9780961472801
  • 译者: 虞璐琳、陳冠伶


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      Will Eisner is a legend in the field of comics. In Comics & Sequential Art, he distills the art of graphic storytelling into clear, concise principles that every cartoonist, comic artist, writer and filmmaker needs to know. Based on Eisner's popular course at New York's School of Visual Art, Comics & Sequential Art examines his ideas, advice and theories on the practice of graphic storytelling and the uses to which the comic book art form can be applied. Designed for use by both professional and amateur artists, students, teachers and even fans, anyone with an interest in, or devotion to, the comic book form will benefit. Since its initial publication, Comics & Sequential Art has enjoyed a welcome reception throughout the world. It is employed in film classes as well as popular culture and English Literature courses at many universities.




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