Rose of Winter 游戏

  • 平台: IOS
  • Linux
  • Mac OS
  • PC
  • 游戏类型: Visual Novel
  • 游戏引擎: Unity
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2016-09-16
  • 售价: $10.00 USD
  • 官方网站:
  • 开发: Pillow Fight Games
  • 发行: Pillow Fight Games
  • steam:


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      Rosemary left her family's farm a year ago to become a Knight in Shining Armor! ... but being a knight is harder than she thought, and she's looking for work at the foot of the perilous Mount Needle. Thankfully, there are four handsome princes here who need an escort through the mountain pass, and Rosemary is just the knight for the job!

      As Rosemary, you'll brave fierce beasts and difficult terrain, not to mention the fact that your traveling companion can be a royal pain. But that's okay! Because you're brave and noble and not-at-all distracted by the handsome guy you're bound to protect. You've got the armor, you've got the sword, and you're all ready for a fairytale romance: if the snowstorms and bone-chilling winds don't get in the way.

      And maybe these princes aren't quite as charming as you expected...




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