История о девочке, наступившей на хлеб

  • 中文名: 脚踩面包的小女孩
    • 别名: 踩着面包走的女孩
  • 上映年度: 1986
  • 片长: 9分57秒
  • 导演: Алла Грачёва
  • IMDb: tt2195606


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    章节列表 [全部]:
      In the same city with her mother lived a girl named Inge. She was very rude and did not like anyone. One day, her mother asked her to take bread to her grandmother, Inge refused to do it for a long time, but agreed that she would put on new boots. As she was walking down the path, she encountered a large puddle in her path. Inge threw bread into this puddle and stepped on it. After that, she fell into a puddle and ended up in the kingdom of the Bolotnitsa living there, who got angry because of Inge's act and turned her into a bird.

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