64番街 游戏

  • 发行: ジャレコ
  • 别名: 64号街
  • 64th Street: A Detective Story
  • 平台: ARC
  • 游戏类型: beat 'em up
  • 游玩人数: 2
  • 发行日期: 1991


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    • vec
    / 1人玩过
    64th Street: A Detective Story (64番街 A DETECTIVE STORY, 64Bangai A Detective Story) is a beat 'em up arcade game released by Jaleco in 1991.

    The story starts out in a typical Double Dragon/Final Fight style setting at 64th Street with two protagonists: Rick (Anderson), a calm and intelligent, 35-year-old professional private detective and manager of the detective agency; and Allen (Tombs), a 19-year-old, reformed delinquent trained by Rick, who is "short-tempered and violent when angry". At the start of the plot, an evil corporation known as the Legacy organization, kidnapped the daughter of a mid-aged rich man and left him a letter explaining why they kidnapped her.

    Late one night, before Rick and Allen was about to close their office, the mid-aged rich man rushed inside the office while being exhausted. He asked for help saving his daughter and gave the letter to Rick and Allen. The next day, Allen notices an advertisement in the classifieds with similar sentence structure to the letter left by the kidnappers. Allen couldn't understand it so easily, until Rick told him to look cautiously at both, the letter and the ad. They soon realised that the writing was actually a secret code, only understood by certain crime lords, so Rick and Allen struggled toward the main base of the Legacy organisation to find the truth and save the kidnapped daughter. The setting later takes on a steampunk feel as it goes along, coming to a head in a battle inside a blimp.

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    vec 玩过 @ 2024-4-30 16:00

    《快打旋风》的抄袭者之一吧。往上方丢人挺新鲜的,有噱头,也华丽,还能刷分,呵呵。但游戏玩下来其实挺不怎么样的,普通攻击第一拳第二拳打得很远,但第三拳就会变短,因为变短了这时候就打空了,笑死。哦,打 Boss 的话,因为第三拳的施放速度会比较慢,于是会被 Boss 破掉,呵呵。同时,部分Boss的攻击模式很奇怪,被他打倒后,极有可能会被连死:一起来又被他打倒、再起来又被打倒……还有,明明是侦探题材的,主角两人用痛扁犯罪分子的方式破案吗?为什么不加一些解谜要素呢?双截龙 3 有这样的玩法,虽然双截龙 3 实在是……

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