
  • 中文名: 传送门:革命
  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: 解谜
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2024年1月7日
  • 引擎: Source
  • 开发商: Second Face Software
  • 发行: Second Face Software


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Over 40 new puzzles
The campaign contains 40 brand new puzzles making use of new test elements and presents existing mechanics in a new way not seen in Portal 2.

-Resurrected "Pneumatic Diversity Vent" element
-New laser cube variant
-Over 15 puzzles using only the blue Portal-Gun
-Gel Cleansing Field

Portal: Revolutions puzzle difficulty starts where Portal 2 stops, but fear not. All new mechanics and advanced portal tricks are taught to you. We have ensured through rigorous playtesting that every player can solve the puzzles. Although very few chambers require portals to be fired mid-air, no puzzles require advanced tricky movement.

Depending on your experience with Portal 2 mechanics, you can expect about 5 to 8 hours of playtime.

Set inbetween Portal and Portal 2, Portal: Revolution tells a brand new story using new characters. You play as a test subject who is awoken by a personality sphere called Stirling and join his mission to find a powerful device capable of restoring Aperture to its former glory.

Portal: Revolution uses a modified version of Portal 2: Community Edition's engine, which is a custom version of the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Source Engine branch using licensed source code provided by Valve Software.

This allowed us to introduce many mechanics and improvements to the engine to create an experience which would be impossible in Portal 2.





YOUQY 玩过 @ 2024-6-16 00:33

2024-06-15 『Portal: Revolution』10h通关纪念!又一部优秀的饭制MOD! 前期限制只能使用蓝色传送门的关卡非常棒,单门玩法在系列作品里是比较少见的;后面也加入了一些新的解谜元素,电闸、压力球、吸气喷气管道、激光“传送”方块等,可惜后面的关卡对于这些元素没有更加深入的设计;关卡难度整体中等偏简单,不过也有一些巧妙的设计让人眼前一亮;缺点的话就是中期坠落井底后的跑路流程有点拖沓了,后期的谜题包括BOSS战相比前期略显单薄…… 总体而言还是非常优秀的一部传送门饭制MOD!

抖Mの萌二 玩过 @ 2024-4-28 20:43

流程很短难度中等偏下,无攻略10小时内就能通关。喜欢传送门系列的玩家一定不要错过。 游戏前半段只能开一扇蓝门,看似限制了解密手段,实则因此诞生了不少让人眼前一亮的精彩关卡设计。 与之相比,后半段大场景太多,反而没有太多优秀的关卡。 剧情也不错,后半段的小搭档很萌很可爱。

玛尔快快跑~~~GM 玩过 @ 2024-4-28 20:43


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