Richard III: The Wars of the Roses 桌游

  • 中文名: 查理三世:玫瑰战争
  • 游戏类型: War Game
  • 游玩人数: 2
  • 发行日期: 2009
  • 设计师: Tom Dalgliesh, Jerry Taylor
  • 美术: Tom Dalgliesh, Leo, Mark Mahaffey
  • 出版商: Columbia Games


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    Richard III: The Wars of the Roses (formerly known simply as Wars of the Roses) is an epic two-player game concerning the long and bloody dynastic struggle between the houses of Lancaster and York for the throne of England. The game depicts both the vicious military campaigns and the rich political struggles that surrounded the late rule of the mad-king Henry VI, the Yorkist usurper Edward IV, the bloody rule of Richard III, and the early years of the first Tudor king, Henry VII. Also strutting across the game's stage and toward the throne is Richard of York, the patriarch of the house of Plantagenet; Richard Neville, the notorious "Kingmaker"; the iron-queen of Lancaster, Margaret of Anjou, and the would-be Lancastrian king Edward, the Prince of Wales.

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