Letters to Venus 游戏

  • 平台: Android
  • PC
  • 游戏类型: ADV
  • 发行日期: 2023-08-20
  • 官方网站: https://vk.com/wall-199563558_940


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      / 2人想玩
      How do you think a person feels who once lost the ability to move? Who just yesterday could run and jump, but today can hardly even eat on his own?

      Sonya could tell you a lot about the difficulties of her existence. It could, if not for the reinforced concrete shell that surrounds it. The daughter of a prominent academician, raised in Russia, she suffered a terrible injury at age 16, under circumstances that are not fully understood, and since then has barely been able to move one arm.

      After such a sharp change in her life, Sonya hardly talks to anyone and doesn’t even try to make friends. She has surrounded herself with a poisonous shell through which no one can get through to her.
      She moves through the corridors of Yamaku like a ghost. There is steel in her voice when she does answer someone. Pale skin, gray hair, empty lifeless eyes, always directed somewhere into the distance...

      And yet, you, Hisao Nakai, may well try to fix this by melting the ice in her heart...

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