Mario Is Missing! 游戏

  • 中文名: 马里奥失踪记
    • 平台:
    • PC FC SFC
  • 游戏类型: Educational
  • 发行日期: 1991-10-10
  • 发行: The Software Toolworks/ Mindscape
  • 开发: The Software Toolworks/ Radical Entertainment


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    Bowser decides to flood the Earth using hairdryers from Hafta Havit Mail-Order to melt Antarctica. In order to buy the hairdryers, Bowser has his Koopa Troopas travel all over the world and steal various important landmarks that he plans to sell.

    Mario, Luigi and Yoshi follow Bowser to Antarctica to stop him, but when Mario goes on ahead he is captured by Bowser. The PC version is the most elaborate: Luigi is too scared to go inside the castle, so Mario enters alone. Despite Luigi's warnings against taking candy from strangers, Mario eats some candy offered to him by Bowser (disguised as a butler), and is then scooped up in a net. In the SNES version, a pit opens up beneath him when the group reaches the castle, while in the NES version, a Koopa throws a bag over him as he walks through the snow and ice.

    With Mario captured, the task of returning all the stolen artifacts and saving both his brother and Earth falls to Luigi, who bravely enters the castle, leaving Yoshi outside.

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