Caelestis Phylaca 游戏

  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: ADV
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 开发: Azalin


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    "There's no point in doing that, Yoru. I'm just a nameless prison warden, after all."

    Such hollow words, uttered time and time again by the same exhausted man.

    It's the year 5866. Simulants populated the other planets in this galaxy over a time frame of around 2000 years, causing humanity to feel uncomfortable with the rate of their evolution. 200 years ago, the Theocracy of the Sun declared war on the Aurola Federation, resulting in humanity being forced to grant Simulants independence.

    Warden is a prison warden situated at the Noctfels Bastion—a giant prison made from terraforming the inside of the moon into a prison rather than an inhabitable planet for humanity and Simulants alike. Along with Kuseth, the overseer behind Sector Z, they find themselves unraveling the secrets and truths behind the Church actively destroying humanity indirectly.

    "Amazing...I can die...Right now..."

    And those words...were uttered by an angel of chaos. Yoru, the Crimson Rondo. A Simulant with a human soul.




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