还内样 剧场版

  • 话数: 1
  • 别名: No Changes Have Taken In Our Life
  • 上映年度: 2023-01-26(鹿特丹电影节)
  • 片长: 45分钟
  • 导演: 徐经伟


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    Ba graduates from college with a major in sousaphone. With his suitcase packed and his instrument straddled to his body, he returns to his hometown, optimistic about finding a satisfactory job as a musical artist. When his father kicks him out for refusing to play for his new girlfriend, Ba begins a journey through the rundown streets of the small, working-class town, encountering a series of taciturn characters both new and familiar.
    Filmmaker Xu Jingwei’s distinctive animation captures a deadpan, monotonous ennui that is simultaneously humorous and tragic. While Ba’s need for a job becomes increasingly dire, No Changes Have Taken In Our Life is not simply a reflection on this post-graduate dilemma, but an exploration of the desire to progress in a place set in its ways.

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