Butterfly Soup 2 游戏

  • 中文名: 蝴蝶汤2
    • 平台:
    • Linux macOS PC
  • 作者: Brianna Lei
  • 游戏类型: Visual Novel
  • 游戏引擎: Ren'Py
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 游戏时长: 2-4 hours
  • 发行日期: 2022-10-29
  • 售价: 免费
  • 下载地址: https://brianna-lei.itch.io/butterfly-soup-2
  • 官网: brianna-lei.tumblr.com


/ 2人想玩 / 6人玩过
A sequel to Butterfly Soup, a romantic sports visual novel about gay Asian-American teens playing baseball and falling in love.

Set in the year 2009, the game switches between the perspectives of Diya, Noelle, Akarsha, and Min-seo as they navigate high school life in the San Francisco Bay Area.


2-4 hours long
Memes (unfortunately)
The game is free, but you can support me by buying the digital artbook for $5! It's 15 pages of me rambling + extra sketches, some of which have never been posted anywhere else.

Fan-made ports:

Web and Android port
This game explores sensitive topics including homophobia, Asian anti-Black racism, and China/Taiwan relations. Please check out the full content warning list if you think you need it!

大家将 Butterfly Soup 2 标注为





HatFeather 玩过 @ 2024-9-24 22:15


NaturNotweNdigkeit 玩过 @ 2024-9-20 20:37

穩定發揮。酷兒、family trauma的描繪依舊貼近…更多青春期對愛情/性別/性征變化等困擾的整合。一貫清爽歡樂的氛圍,契合主題、直指中心的比喻。凌亂且四處受限,困於錯誤季節的蝴蝶只能盡可能廣泛地撲翅,互相為伴。PS.Noelle細緻觀察且不乏體貼的特點於此部大爆發,偶爾帶些自得其樂的溝通方法,實乃萌人。愛乘以永遠±n的公式發明——最後不忘發揮搞笑本色。作者官網販賣的主角四人玩偶相當可愛。

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