Sucker for Love: Date to Die For 游戏

  • 中文名: 爱的吸盘:为爱而死
  • 别名: 爱的吸盘:死亡约会
  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: Visual Novel
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2024年4月23日
  • 开发: Akabaka
  • 发行: Dread XP


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    / 1人想玩 / 2人玩过
    While investigating the mysterious disappearances plaguing your rural hometown of Sacramen-Cho, you end up kidnapped yourself! Trapped at the murmuring, pulsating, undulating heart of the woods, your only hope for escaping the labyrinthian roots is to turn to the cultists' strange purple spellbook.

    Amidst the fanatical scrawlings of madmen and unsettling images of otherworldy abominations, there's a passage describing the method for summoning the All-Mother, The Black Goat of the Woods -- preserver of life. Will you be able to escape? Or will you find your demise at the innumerable hands of The Thousand?

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    Miserere 玩过 @ 2024-5-20 13:32

    第二章开始是云的(我打恐怖游戏实在是太菜了XD 一个我深有同感的评论: So it seems like the eldritch survival handbook is either: -single minded smooch driven determination. -raw asexual energy.

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