• 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: Simulation
  • 游戏引擎: Unity
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2018-04-14
  • 售价: $9.99
  • 官方网站:


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    / 2人玩过
    Can death be sleep, when life is but a dream,
    And scenes of bliss pass as a phantom by?

    To win this game, you must awake the artist in you.

    AENTITY is a visual playscape set in a calm unknown, where the primary aim is to have no aim... You are yourself, crafting imagery by exploring Plato’s cave. Be part of the infinite process of creation. The deeper you descend into a far, dreamlike state, more cryptic entities emerge. What is a good state of consciousness? Why are we truly doing what we are doing?

    Legend says the other side is made of blinding light. Fathom a way through the Elysian noise. You need to destroy a great many screens slowly filling the retina. Be the path, make a choice. On any true journey you grow a little. Ultimately, the game is about skilling visual composition, something one may use in the real world once in a while.

    Intuition is key. You have to move playfully to create appealing and mesmerizing pictures and moods. At its core, wanting is suffering. Be free for a while, just behold, see all the passing by. Out of confusion, as the way is, and the wonder, out of the chaos would come bliss. Someone in wonder watching its art, is the aim and the end.

    Experimental – In playing AENTITY you can put yourself in a higher state of consciousness often overlooked in our times. Free yourself from all extrinsic sense givers. Shift the frequency.

    Plethora – Simultaneously create your own pictures. You might stick them on the wall or send your friends a card. Surprise yourself. There is a myriad of creative possibility. As everything is constantly changing slightly, no two players or sessions will ever be able to craft exactly the same picture.

    Simple but hard – You create the colors by changing your position, the angle and the hue. But to compose something scintillating, it takes awareness, patience, and a sense of wonder. Any best way to succeed depends solely on the eye of the beholder.

    Peaceful – There is no time limit and it is impossible to get hurt or die.

    Non-linear – A synaptic, semi-linear groundwork to play with.

    Some humble fame – An interactive companion website, where you can view the 36 most upvoted player‘s shots, and further randomly, with their respective author's name.

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    自制画廊地图 & 区域解锁tips

    by Cfox 2022-8-19 05:45 (+0)
    白茫茫的初始画廊在解锁区域较少时很容易迷路,于是留下一份简图作参考 比例关系比较随意 [] 另外,在靠近某张空白画框后,画框标题周围会浮现其它区域的名称。玩家可以进入这些区域以解锁空白的目标,以下是信息整合(中文是根据 ... (more)



    Cfox 玩过 @ 2022-8-18 23:21

    6hr全画廊解锁+收获数百张截图;本质第一人称步行模拟,玩家在抽象场所中触发并解锁不同主题的区域,各区域最终会填满所有白色画廊的空画框。特色残影与视觉效果要求一定方向感(迷路可以按R回到当前世界的起始点),仿佛新生儿睁开眼适应所处世界的感知方式一样,很有趣的探索体验。官方在讨论版留下了部分参考攻略;几个小成就比较有醍醐味,点名Au Pèlerin。小缺点:指引较隐晦,实验性导致呈现效果略单一

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