
  • 中文名: 马莫里
  • 话数: 1
  • 上映年度: 2010-01-13(Canada)
  • 片长: 8分钟
  • 导演: Karl Lemieux
  • 脚本: Karl Lemieux
  • 制片国家/地区: 加拿大
  • 语言: 无对白
  • 动画制作: National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
  • IMDb: tt1615468


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    MAMORI transports us into a black-and-white universe of fluid shapes, dappled and striated with shadows and light, where the texture of the visuals and of the celluloid itself have been transformed through the filmmaker's artistry. The raw material of images and sounds was captured in the Amazon rainforest by filmmaker Karl Lemieux and avant-garde composer Francisco López, a specialist in field recordings. Re-filming the photographs on 16 mm stock, then developing the film stock itself and digitally editing the whole, Lemieux transmutes the raw images and accompanying sounds into an intense sensory experience at the outer limits of representation and abstraction. Fragmented musical phrases filter through the soundtrack, evoking in our imagination the clamour of the tropical rainforest in this remote Amazonian location called Mamori.

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    清风烟魂 看过 @ 2022-7-29 20:57

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