Blueberry Garden 游戏

  • 中文名: 蓝莓花园
  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: AVG 冒险游戏,Indie 独立
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2009-06-19
  • 售价: $4.99 USD
  • 官方网站:
  • 开发商: Erik Svedäng
  • 发行: Erik Svedäng


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/ 7人想玩 / 6人玩过 / 1人在玩 / 1人抛弃
《蓝莓花园》是获得2009年独立游戏节Seumas McNally 特等奖, 杰出音效奖的游戏作品,在游戏中你可以获得童话故事一样的游戏体验,集合不断变化的生态系统,在云端飞翔,探索陌生的世界,揭开蓝莓花园的神秘。有你的参与,一切都可以改变。

Congratulations Blueberry Garden! Winner of the Seumas McNally Grand Prize for 'Best Independent Game' at the 2009 Independent Games Festival. Also a winner for 'Best Innovation' at the 2008 Swedish Game Awards.
Blueberry Garden is a short and experimental game about exploring a strange world. It is set in an ever-changing ecosystem and your goal is to find out what's going on among the softly swaying trees and mysterious creatures living there.
The game is a relaxing, yet intense experience for people who like soaring through the sky.
Key features:
Interactive fairytale — no film sequences or dialogues
Food — Try out the effects of various fruits and use their effects to navigate the landscape more easily
Story — Experience two different endings depending on your choices and your skill
Living world — Plants, fruits and animals living in symbiosis
Music — Fantastic piano tunes by Daduk

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老忻 玩过 @ 2022-8-5 09:15


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