Your Face

  • 中文名: 你的脸
  • 话数: 1
  • 导演: Bill Plympton
  • 脚本: Bill Plympton
  • 上映年度: 2000-11-22(法国)
  • 片长: 3分13秒
  • 主演: Maureen McElheron
  • 制片国家/地区: 美国
  • 语言: 英语
  • IMDb: tt0094364


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      男低音在优美的钢琴伴奏下,深情地唱着<Your face is like a song>。而此时他的脸正像媒体播放器里的视觉效果一样不断的变化,各种抽象的形态仿佛演绎着毕加索的视觉艺术。

    A tenor, in suit and tie, with a receding hairline, sings a ballad to his love, "Your face is like a song," to simple piano accompaniment. As he sings about his love's face, his own face goes through phantasmagoric changes, beginning with his warbling mouth moving about. As the singing continues, his face twists, turns, explodes, liquefies, becomes block-shaped, multiples, curls, disappears in sections and all at once, and always reconfigures itself serenely into its original shape. As the song ends, the camera pans back revealing the man sitting in a chair on the green field of mother earth. She may have a face and designs of her own.

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