와해된 시선 R 漫画系列

  • 话数: 56
  • 作画: 박미남(Face Park)
  • 连载杂志: Lezhin Comics
  • 原作: 루즌아(Rusena)
  • 别名: Averted Gaze R
  • 开始: 2021-02-28
  • 结束: 2022-04-02
  • 备注: 本作为《와해된 시선》重制版


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Dahye and Dawoon are siblings that live together with their parents. Their relationship is a bit rocky since Dawoon has always been their parents’ favorite and Dahye holds some resentment towards him. Dawoon, who is a high school dropout, is always in his room playing games. Dahye starts noticing that he’s acting weird, and after finding a disturbing story in her brother’s computer, she starts fearing him and what he might be capable of doing. So she enlists the help of her aunt and best friend to try and find out what is wrong with Dawoon.

——Lezhin US

大家将 와해된 시선 R 标注为




月香 读过 @ 2023-12-6 15:57

原版是rusena的出道作,Face Park照原版重新画了一遍,如果没有重置版作画那是真心看不下去。一开始以为是悬疑惊悚版《断指》,母亲因为重男轻女不愿正视弟弟的精神分裂症,父亲只会以暴力解决一切,最终带来了家庭惨案。但能把一个好题材讲成这么无聊的故事也是一种才能吧,为了拉高读者血压故意设计一些很蠢的桥段,作者对角色的痛苦统一描述成歇斯底里,不曾进入角色内心。最后戳瞎眼睛的点题挺有意思的,英文版怎么会是不相关的Averted Gaze。// 虽然但是,画得真的很色(各种意义上的色图)。

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