How to Make Love to a Woman

  • 中文名: 求爱指南
  • 导演: Bill Plympton
  • 脚本: Bill Plympton
  • 制片人: Bill Plympton
  • 上映年度: 1996年1月12日 (西班牙)
  • 片长: 5分钟
  • 动画制作: Bill Plympton
  • 音乐: Larry Eagle
  • 配音: Daniel Kaufman


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      An animated look at the 11 essential steps to make the pilgrim's progess from finding a woman to making love to her. Along the way, our prototypical man gets advice about her eyes, her hair, her neck, her nostrils (and how they will flare as she becomes excited), the kiss, disrobing her (be subtle yet have authority), the hug, her nipples, and kinky accessories. At every turn, even as the exultant strains of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus signal that success is upon him, there are dangers and pitfalls. The journey requires steely resolve.

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