Colorful Dreams 画集

  • 作者: VOFAN
  • 出版社: Vertical
  • 价格: ¥2,758
  • 发售日: 2019-10-29
  • 页数: 95
  • ISBN: 9781947194830


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    From VOFAN, the star illustrator of the Monogatari series of novels written by NISIOISIN, comes a full-color artbook of his best personal works. Praised by the fans around the world as "The Magician of Light and Shadow from Taiwan", VOFAN is famous for using a vibrant art style combined with unique camera techniques in his art.As the main illustrator for NISIOISIN's novel series for over a decade, VOFAN has illustrated more than 30 book covers and has created dozens of original character designs. Beside his extensive illustration works for NISIOISIN, VOFAN has illustrated magazine covers such as Famitsu and Fancy Frontier Magazine. VOFAN is also the main character designer for the popular Playstation 3 RPG Time and Eternity.

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