Black Legion 小说

  • 中文名: 黑暗军团
  • 册数: 1
  • 出版社: Black Library,Games Workshop
  • 发售日: 2017-08
  • 页数: 336
  • ISBN: 9781784967536
  • ISBN-10: 178496753X
  • 作者: Aaron Dembski-Bowden


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      Returning after his long self-imposed exile, Abaddon offers the disparate Chaos Space Marine warbands within the Eye of Terror a simple choice – join him or die.

      Ezekyle Abaddon and his warlords strive to bind the newborn Black Legion together under threat of destruction. Now Khayon, Abaddon's most-trusted assassin, is tasked with ending the threat of Thagus Daravek, the self-proclaimed Lord of Hosts and a rival to the dark fate that Abaddon claims as his own. Fighting the vile whispers of the Dark Gods within his mind, Abaddon turns a fevered gaze back to the Imperium, where his true destiny awaits. Yet the Emperor's Champion and his Black Templars stand guard at the gates of Hell, and Sigismund has waited centuries to face Abaddon in battle...

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