Paragon 游戏

  • 中文名: 虚幻争霸
  • 音乐: Rom Di Prisco
  • 平台: PC
  • PS4
  • 游戏类型: MOBA
  • 游戏引擎: Unreal Engine 4
  • 游玩人数: 多人
  • 发行日期: 2016年8月16日
  • 官方网站:
  • 开发: Epic Games
  • 发行: Epic Games
  • 停止运营日期: 2018年4月26日


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    / 3人玩过 / 1人在玩 / 1人抛弃
    Paragon was a third-person multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game. The maps featured in the game were symmetrical, and bases were located at the two opposite ends of a map. Players were tasked with defeating the enemy team by destroying the core in their base. They had the ability to reach their opponents' bases through the three lanes featured in each map. Each lane was protected by defensive towers that protected the bases by attacking any incoming enemies that stood within its range automatically. Lanes consisted of two towers and an inhibitor; destroying all of these allowed a team to spawn more powerful minions in that lane and directly attack the enemy core. Between lanes were jungles, inside which players could find additional resources for their teams. Jungles were separated from lanes by fog walls that players could not see other players through.

    In a match, ten players were divided into two teams. Each player assumed control of a "Hero." Each hero had their own basic attack and possessed a set of four abilities composed of active attacks or maneuvers or passive buffs that helped them or their teammates. Different heroes had different skills and weapons. For instance, TwinBlast, an offensive hero, primarily fires two pistols and throws grenades, while Muriel, a defensive hero, aids her allies with a shield. Heroes came in ranged and melee classes. Each hero had an ultimate ability; for example, ranged hero Murdock can fire a massive laser with infinite range. Both teams had minions, which jog toward their opponents' bases and support the heroes. Super Minions entered the lanes upon destroying the enemy inhibitors.

    When players killed an enemy hero or minion or destroy an enemy tower, they gained experience and gold. Experience allowed players to level up and unlock or upgrade abilities. Just before a match started, players could choose a deck of cards that allows players to use gold to purchase upgrades such as health boosts and strength-enhancing artifacts for their heroes. Players could use a default deck or build their own when not playing a match. Cards and decks were divided into five different affinities. Each deck had two affinities, and had to contain cards with either of those affinities. Chests (loot boxes), which contained cards, could be earned through rewards from completing matches. Players could also use real-world currency to boost their reputation points and experience points. According to Epic, the game was not pay-to-win. As a result, players may only purchase cosmetic items with real-world currency or coins found within loot chests. The game also featured a replay system, which allowed players to spectate matches. The game regularly added new heroes and edited the main battle map through updates.





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