Kane & Lynch: Dead Men 游戏

  • 中文名: 凯恩与林奇:死人
  • 开发: IO Interactive
  • 发行: Eidos Interactive
  • 平台: Xbox 360
  • PS3
  • PC
  • 游戏类型: TPS
  • 游戏引擎: Glacier 1 Engine with Havok physics
  • 游玩人数: 1人,2-8人
  • 发行日期: 2007-11-14
  • 官方网站: http://www.kaneandlynch.com/
  • 导演: Jens Peter Kurup


/ 5人想玩 / 19人玩过 / 2人搁置 / 4人抛弃
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men immerses players in an emotionally intense crime drama with unflinching action. Io-Interactive's proprietary technology delivers fluid high definition graphics and lighting; highly destructible environments; massive crowd AI; single, co-op, and squad-based combat; a cinematic interface; and non-stop dialog between Kane and Lynch. The title also features innovative two-player co-op and groundbreaking online game play.

■ Tense and unpredictable experience - This is the violent and chaotic journey of two men: a flawed mercenary and a medicated psychopath. Each hates the other but must work together to save themselves and possibly the ones they love. Play Kane in single-player mode and either character in two-player co-op mode.
■ Violence erupts in meticulously created 'safe' worlds - Realistic and responsive environments and crowds react when events get of out control. Crowded nightclubs and calm bank offices become scenes of sudden terror. Manipulate the environments and crowds strategically to complete objectives.
■ Wide variety of intense 3rd person game play - Rappel from buildings; fire on the run or from moving vehicles; launch surprise attacks, lay down cover fire, and shoot blind from around corners; and hurl smoke, tear, and incendiary grenades.
■ Fast and intuitive combat - Lead a crew of criminal mercenaries to increase your chance of surviving and reaching your goals. You can also fight alone as your crew AI will automatically draw fire, throw grenades, lay down cover, and engage in close combat with their own signature moves.
■ Two-player co-operative game play - Team up and play the full story with a friend as either Kane or Lynch. On the big jobs, split the command of your crew. At any point in the game you can choose to play the next, or previous, levels in co-op.
■ Innovative multi-player levels based on the game's themes for up to eight players.

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ranger224 玩过 @ 2019-1-12 22:30

普通难度(cocaine)通关 难度的名字很有趣

auz083 抛弃 @ 2017-12-16 19:48


ichi 玩过 @ 2016-3-9 05:33


Veritas 玩过 @ 2014-5-25 02:51


Biscuitop 玩过 @ 2012-8-31 13:54


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