MikuMikuDroid 游戏


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    樋口優さん作の「MikuMikuDance」 (http://www.geocities.jp/higuchuu4/index.htm) で用いられるpmd/vmdファイルを読み込み,貴方の端末を初音ミクでみっくみくにするためのアプリケーションです.現在のヴァージョンでは,音楽にあわせたモーションの再生のみ対応しております.編集はできません.


    1. SDカードの領域に「MikuMikuDroid」という名前のフォルダを作成(/sdcard/MikuMikuDroid)
    2. MikuMikuDance Ver 5.x(ここ重要)の,DataフォルダとUserFileフォルダをMikuMikuDroid以下にコピー
    3. pmdファイル(モデル)をUserFile/Modelに,vmdファイル(モデルおよびカメラモーション)をUserFile/Motionに,音楽ファイルをUserFile/Waveにそれぞれコピー


    -Lat式ミク Ver2.3 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11205201
    -レア様 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8695572
    -Yellow モーション http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12750876


    1. スフィアマップ,影全般,物理演算には未対応です
    2. シェーディングが正しくない可能性があります.色の再現性は現在検証中です
    3. 多くのモデルは同時に表示できません.主に頂点数に依存します

    This software enables your phones to playing pmd/vmd files used in MikuMikuDance
    [notice] if you cannot start MikuMikuDroid, try to delete Application Data from Application management menu.
    This software enables your android phones to playing pmd/vmd files used in "MikuMikuDance" (http://www.geocities.jp/higuchuu4/index_e.htm) created by Higuchi-san, and fill up your android phones with HATSUNE Miku. The current version of this software supports only playing your motion with music. Editing vmd/pmd files is not supported yet.
    This software does not includes models, motions and musics, so you must prepare these files and put them predetermined directories. The base directory is /sdcard/MikuMikuDroid or /sdcard/.MikuMikuDroid, and the structure of directories follows the application "MikuMikuDance". Moreover, this software needs Data/toon??.bmp distributed in the "MikuMikuDance", so you must prepare these files as follows.
    1. create directory "MikuMikuDroid" or ".MikuMikuDroid" in the SD Card area, i.e. mkdir /sdcard/MikuMikuDroid, or mkdir /sdcard/.MikuMikuDroid
    2. copy Data directory and UserFile directory in MikuMikuDance Ver 5.x to /sdcard/MikuMikuDroid or /sdcard/.MikuMikuDroid
    3. copy your pmd files to UserFile/Model, vmd files to UserFile/Motion, music files to UserFile/Wave directory or with sub-directory.
    4. (optional) copy your .bmp, .jpg, .png files to UserFile/BackGround, .x file to UserFile/Accessory or UserFile/Model directory or with sub-directory.
    I use following models and motions to make these screenshots. Thank you.
    -Model "Lat-type Miku Ver2.3" http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11205201
    -Model "Rea" http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8695572
    -Motion "Yellow" http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12750876

    Currently, there are problems as follows.
    1. Sphere mapping, shadow and the physics are not supported
    2. Shading may not be correct
    3. Loading multiple models may not display due to insufficient memory. Memory usage depends on the number of vertices mainly.



    这图标真是难以吐槽… 林卯 4 replies 2014-6-15
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