WET 游戏

  • 中文名: 潮湿
  • 发行: Bethesda Softworks
  • 平台: Xbox360
  • PS3
  • 游戏类型: Action-third person shooter
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2009-9-15
  • 官方网站: http://www.wetthegame.com/
  • 开发: Artificial Mind and Movement


/ 1人想玩 / 6人玩过 / 3人搁置 / 4人抛弃
WET is a seamless integration of intense gunplay, death-defying acrobatics and exciting swordplay. The game tells the story of Rubi, an acrobatic gun-for-hire. When she agrees to help a wealthy man find and bring back his wayward son, all hell breaks loose and the tables are turned, as the man who hired her isn't who he appeared to be. Now Rubi's on the run, needing to find the man who left her for dead and leaving a massive body count in her wake. Innovative 3rd person shooter gameplay: With her trusty twin custom made Colt Pythons, Rubi gracefully engages in amazing, cinematic high-body count gunplay against diverse and challenging enemies. Along with her guns, Rubi has an arsenal of death-defying acrobatic moves. Her incredible agility allows her to climb on ledges, slide under obstacles, swing on poles and run along walls. Rubi's sword is an instrument for deadly close-quarter proximity attacks. Rubi will unleash a flurry of multi-staged stylized attack sequences.


Worst third person shooter ever

by EISSAC 2011-4-28 22:06 (+9)
Normally, I check the reviews before i buy any game from game shop. There are only two main sites I rely on, Of course, they are Gamespot and IGN. Few weeks ago, I saw a Xbox360 game on sale for $29.99 at Walmart. Yea..that's the shitty ... (more)



. 玩过 @ 2020-10-8 21:35


fishxll 玩过 @ 2015-2-9 15:23

本作算是硬派港式动作游戏的代表,加入了慢动作射击以较为东方化的估计情节,犹如在看一部香港动作电影一样。游戏的画面表现比较一般,但是对于战斗以及场景的刻画比较到位。 游戏的要素不算很丰富,只要集中在难度挑战以及分数挑战上,在一些挑战项目还是颇具难度的,建议动作玩家可以一试。

Biscuitop 抛弃 @ 2012-6-14 12:07


鹰见大辅 搁置 @ 2012-1-18 06:15

不好评价- -

EISSAC 抛弃 @ 2011-4-29 06:35

- -糟糕的游戏

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