FTL: Advanced Edition Soundtrack

  • 中文名: 超越光速:进阶版 原声集
  • 发售日期: 2014-04-03
  • 价格: 免费
  • 艺术家: Ben Prunty


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    This is all the music added to FTL as part of the Advanced Edition update, plus bonus track Colony Ship. Colony Ship was written in 2008, long before FTL, and was eventually reworked from scratch into MilkyWay.

    It is all FREE FOREVER. This same music should also be available in the FTL game update download, but you can listen to it here as well.

    We're putting the Battle tracks first this time to change things up a bit. As always though, I encourage you to make your own arrangements.

    The album art was made by the imaginative Erika Johannsen. Keep an eye on this page for a link to her site when it goes up in a few days.

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