The Unremembered Empire 小说

  • 中文名: 不被铭记的帝国
  • 出版社: Games Workshop
  • 价格: $9.99
  • 发售日: 2014-07-29
  • 页数: 416
  • ISBN: 9781849706926
  • ISBN-10: 1849706921
  • 作者: Dan Abnett


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    Far out on the Eastern Fringe, the realm of Ultramar stands alone. Having weathered the Word Bearers attack on Calth and the subsequent Shadow Crusade against the Five Hundred Worlds, the Ultramarines primarch Roboute Guilliman now draws all loyalist forces to Macragge as he contemplates a new future for mankind. With the arrival of more and more fugitives from the war that has engulfed the rest of the galaxy, all distinction between friend and foe is lost, isolated from Terra by fearsome warp storms, is Guilliman making a bid for power to rival even the renegade Warmaster Horus?

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    糸色企鹅 读过 @ 2018-2-17 01:27

    第二帝国的事情....挺精彩。就是这个结局有点坑了。很空虚很没有希望。很战锤( 简而言之就是恐怖分子康拉德开无双 这都没死卧槽 蓝爸爸你行不行啊 黑科技倒是不错……不被铭记的帝国这个主题点挺有味道的 但是太淡了,渲染的也不太够

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