Fragments of Him 游戏

  • 中文名: 他的碎片
    • 平台:
    • Xbox One PC
  • 游戏类型: AVG
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2016-05-03
  • 售价: $9.99/¥36
  • 官方网站:


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    / 1人想玩 / 2人玩过
    Fragments of Him is a first-person narrative-based video game set around the death of a bisexual man named Will. The player controls four characters, each of whom was connected to Will during his lifetime. The characters consist of: Will, who dies in a car crash early in the game; Sarah, Will's ex-girlfriend; Harry, Will's boyfriend at the time of his death; and Mary, Will's grandmother.The gameplay has the player character walk around the world, with the player triggering snippets of narration by clicking on highlighted objects.When interacting with non-player characters, clicking on them will sometimes result in them disappearing and reappearing in a different location to give the impression of them walking.

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    iMeidai 玩过 @ 2017-1-23 08:08

    指令式的线性流程太乏味,游戏化很不合格,做成短篇电影会更好。配音不错,祖母的回忆中It’s lonely to see the world change without you太具现实感了。

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