The Push Man and Other Stories 漫画


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A collection of short stories from the grandfather of Japanese alternative comics. Legendary cartoonist Yoshihiro Tatsumi is the grandfather of alternative manga for the adult reader. Predating the advent of the literary graphic novel movement in the United States by thirty years, Tatsumi created a library of literary comics that draws parallels with modern prose fiction and today's alternative comics. Designed and edited by one of today's most popular cartoonists, Adrian Tomine, "The Push Man and Other Stories" is the debut volume in a groundbreaking new series that collects Tatsumi's short stories about Japanese urban life. Tatsumi's stories are simultaneously haunting, disturbing, and darkly humorous, commenting on the interplay between an overwhelming, bustling, crowded modern society and the troubled emotional and sexual life of the individual.




nekojiruso 读过 @ 2023-3-13 00:48

烟尘气,脂粉、油光与污垢,一地黑血,是紧贴底层的内城故事,是辰巳的sin city。太多相似的漠然无力,自入歧路,迷途忘返。但他的艺术并不只在于揭露,而在深切地共同呼吸,没有滤网,没有居高临下的视线。

ntmarie 读过 @ 2015-7-16 11:01


离群客 读过 @ 2014-6-11 12:02

当时看完动画后就找了辰巳的短篇看看。故事都是关于小人物的,对现实的阴暗面描摹的非常尖锐,风格和动画改编的短篇不同,男主常常是静默寡言而又充满现代会社会中特有的焦虑,叙事中心理刻画较少,非常喜欢用空镜头,后期发展常常急转直下,充满了静与动的张力。我很喜欢第4个故事结尾的那句话,恰可以为整本漫画做概括:To survive in the crowd,you have to struggle alone

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