ChatGPT Jan 30 Version
Bad But Well-Known Anime

Jirehlov 创建于 2023-2-13 20:04 / 11 人收藏
  • CLANNAD -クラナド-

    2007年10月4日 / 石原立也 / Key/VISUAL ARTS / 池田和美

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its clichéd plot and shallow characters.
  • 銀魂

    2006年4月4日 / 高松信司(第1-105話)→藤田陽一(第100-話) / 空知英秋 / 竹内進二

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its inconsistent writing and lackluster character development.
  • らき☆すた

    2007年4月8日 / 山本寛(1-4)、武本康弘(5-24) / 美水かがみ / 堀口悠紀子

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its repetitive story arcs and lack of character development.
  • Fate/stay night

    2006年1月6日 / 山口祐司 / TYPE-MOON / 石原恵治

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its convoluted plot and inconsistent characterization.
  • フルメタル・パニック!

    2002年1月15日 / 千明孝一 / 賀東招二 / 堀内修

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its convoluted plot and inconsistent characterization.
  • D.Gray-man

    2006年10月3日 / 鍋島修 / 星野桂 / 守岡英行

    Although it has a large following, this anime is often criticized for its inconsistent writing and repetitive story arcs.
  • エルフェンリート

    2004年7月25日 / 神戸守 / 岡本倫 / きしもとせいじ[岸本誠司]

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its excessive violence and disturbing themes.
  • 剣風伝奇ベルセルク


    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its excessive violence and disturbing themes.
  • コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ

    2006年10月5日 / 谷口悟朗 / 木村貴宏

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its convoluted plot and inconsistent storytelling.
  • ef - a tale of memories.

    2007年10月6日 / 大沼心 / minori、鏡遊、御影 / 杉山延寛

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its convoluted storytelling and inconsistent character development.
  • School Days

    2007年7月3日 / 元永慶太郎 / オーバーフロー / ごとうじゅんじ

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its dark and controversial themes, as well as its inconsistent writing.
  • To LOVEる -とらぶる-

    2008年4月3日 / 加戸誉夫 / 矢吹健太朗・長谷見沙貴 / 岡勇一

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its excessive fan service and shallow character development.

    2008年4月7日 / 五十嵐卓哉 / 大久保篤 / 伊藤嘉之

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its inconsistent writing and lack of character development.
  • 黒執事

    2008年10月2日 / 篠原俊哉 / 枢やな(掲載 月刊「Gファンタジー」スクウェア・エニックス刊) / 芝美奈子

    This anime has a large fan base, but it is often criticized for its convoluted plot and inconsistent characterization.

    2008年10月9日 / 石山タカ明 / 5pb.、Nitro+ / 島村秀一

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its confusing plot and convoluted storytelling.
  • とらドラ!

    2008年10月1日 / 長井龍雪 / 竹宮ゆゆこ(アスキー・メディアワークス/電撃文庫) / 田中将賀

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its clichéd plot and shallow characters.

    1999年10月20日 / 宇田鋼之介(1-278)、志水淳児(131-159)→境宗久(244-372)→宮元宏彰(352-679)→深澤敏則(663-891)、伊藤聡伺(780-782)→長峯達也(780-782、892-)、暮田公平、小牧文(892-) / 尾田栄一郎(集英社「週刊少年ジャンプ」連載) / 小泉昇(1-425)→久田和也(385-891)→松田翠(780-782、892-)

    Although it is one of the most successful anime and manga franchises, some fans have criticized it for its slow pacing and inconsistent writing.
  • とある魔術の禁書目録

    2008年10月4日 / 錦織博 / 鎌池和馬(電撃文庫刊) / 田中雄一

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its convoluted plot and inconsistent characterization.
  • PandoraHearts

    2009年4月2日 / 加戸誉夫 / 望月淳 / 小林千鶴、山岡信一

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its confusing plot and lack of character development.
  • けいおん!

    2009年4月2日 / 山田尚子 / かきふらい(芳文社「まんがタイムきらら」連載) / 堀口悠紀子

    This "moe" anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its lack of plot and character development, as well as its repetitive themes and over-reliance on cuteness.

    2009年4月5日 / 入江泰浩 / 荒川弘(掲載 月刊『少年ガンガン』スクウェア・エニックス刊) / 菅野宏紀;副人设:竹越充保、金田尚美

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its lackluster character development and convoluted plot.
  • 桜蘭高校ホスト部

    2006年4月4日 / 五十嵐卓哉 / 葉鳥ビスコ / 高橋久美子

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its shallow characters and reliance on clichéd plot elements.

    2004年10月5日 / 阿部記之

    Despite its popularity, this anime has been criticized for its lackluster character development, confusing plot, and excessive filler episodes.
  • 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱

    2009年4月2日 / 武本康弘(团长辅佐) / 谷川流 / 池田晶子

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its convoluted storytelling and inconsistent characterization.
  • 化物語

    2009年7月3日 / 新房昭之 / 西尾維新「化物語」(講談社BOX) / 渡辺明夫

    Although it has a large following, this anime is often criticized for its confusing plot and convoluted storytelling.

    2006年10月4日 / 荒木哲郎 / 大場つぐみ、小畑健 / 北尾勝

    This psychological thriller has a large following, but it is often criticized for its convoluted plot and inconsistent characterization.
  • Angel Beats!

    2010年4月2日 / 岸誠二 / 麻枝准(Key/VISUAL ARTS) / 平田雄三

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its inconsistent writing and lack of character development.
  • ブラック★ロックシューター

    2010年7月24日 / 吉岡忍 / huke / 松尾祐輔

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its lack of plot and character development.
  • ロザリオとバンパイア

    2008年1月3日 / 池田晃久

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its stereotypical characters and reliance on fan service.

    2009年10月12日 / 石平信司 / 真島ヒロ(周刊少年Magazine/讲谈社) / 山本碧

    This anime has a large fan base, but it is often criticized for its inconsistent writing, stereotypical characters, and repetitive story arcs.
  • NARUTO -ナルト- 疾風伝

    2007年2月15日 / 伊達勇登(221-699)、小林治(700-703)、今千秋(704-708)、渡部穏寛(709-713)、むらた雅彦(714-720) / 岸本斉史//故事协力:矢野隆(671-678鼬真传、709-713鹿丸秘传)、十和田シン(704-708佐助秘传)、ひなたしょう(714-720木叶秘传)

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its excessive filler episodes and repetitive story arcs.
  • 君に届け

    2009年10月6日 / 鏑木ひろ / 椎名軽穂(「君に届け」/集英社「別冊マーガレット」連載) / 柴田由香;协力:中村章子、佐藤仁実、長谷川ひとみ、井川麗奈

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its slow pacing and stereotypical characters.
  • NARUTO -ナルト-

    2002年10月3日 / 伊達勇登 / 岸本斉史 / 西尾鉄也、鈴木博文

    While it has a massive fan base, many viewers have noted the show's repetitive story arcs and excessive filler episodes.
  • けいおん!!

    2010年4月6日 / 山田尚子 / かきふらい(芳文社「まんがタイムきらら」連載) / 堀口悠紀子

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its repetitive story arcs and lack of character development.
  • kiss×sis

    2010年4月5日 / 名和宗則 / ぢたま某(講談社『ヤングマガジン』掲載) / 下谷智之

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its excessive fan service and shallow characters.

    2010年7月5日 / 荒木哲郎 / 佐藤大輔、佐藤ショウジ / 田中将賀

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its excessive violence and reliance on fan service.
  • ドラゴンボールZ

    1989年4月26日 / 鳥山明 / 中鶴勝祥

    This classic anime is often criticized for its repetitive fights and reliance on power-ups.
  • 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ

    2011年1月6日 / 新房昭之 / Magica Quartet / 岸田隆宏

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its dark and disturbing themes.
  • これはゾンビですか?

    2011年1月10日 / 金﨑貴臣 / 木村心一 / 田頭しのぶ

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its inconsistent writing and lack of character development.
  • 青の祓魔師

    2011年4月17日 / 岡村天斎 / 加藤和恵(集英社「ジャンプスクエア」連載) / 佐々木啓悟、[副]小田嶋瞳

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its shallow characters and reliance on clichéd plot elements.
  • デッドマン・ワンダーランド

    2011年4月16日 / 初見浩一 / 片岡人生、近藤一馬 / 山田正樹

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its inconsistent writing and reliance on violence and gore.
  • Fate/Zero

    2011年10月1日 / あおきえい / 虚淵玄(ニトロプラス)/TYPE-MOON / 須藤友徳、碇谷敦

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its convoluted storytelling and lack of character development.
  • ハイスクールD×D

    2012年1月6日 / 柳沢テツヤ / 石踏一榮(ドラゴンマガジン連載/富士見ファンタジア文庫・刊) / ごとうじゅんじ

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its excessive fan service and shallow character development.
  • ギルティクラウン

    2011年10月13日 / 荒木哲郎

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its convoluted plot and inconsistent characterization.
  • アクセル・ワールド

    2012年4月6日 / 小原正和 / 川原礫 / 愛敬由紀子、椛島洋介(对战Avatar)

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its inconsistent writing and lackluster character development.
  • ソードアート・オンライン

    2012年7月7日 / 伊藤智彦 / 川原礫(「電撃文庫」刊) / 足立慎吾、川上哲也(副)

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its lackluster writing, character development, and plot holes.
  • 中二病でも恋がしたい!

    2012年10月3日 / 石原立也 / 虎虎(KAエスマ文庫/京都アニメーション) / 池田和美

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its shallow characters and reliance on clichéd plot elements.
  • K

    2012年10月4日 / 鈴木信吾 / GoRA・GoHands / 鈴木信吾

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its convoluted plot and inconsistent character development.
  • デート・ア・ライブ

    2013年4月5日 / 元永慶太郎 / 橘公司 / 石野聡

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its shallow character development and reliance on fan service.
  • はたらく魔王さま!

    2013年4月4日 / 細田直人 / 和ヶ原聡司(電擊文庫 刊) / 碇谷敦

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its shallow characters and reliance on clichéd plot elements.
  • やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。

    2013年4月4日 / 吉村愛 / 渡航(小学館「ガガガ文庫」) / 進藤優

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its shallow characters and reliance on clichéd plot elements.
  • 進撃の巨人

    2013年4月6日 / 荒木哲郎 / 諫山創(別冊少年マガジン連載/講談社) / 浅野恭司、副:尾崎智美、肥塚正史、协力:山田歩、門脇聡

    Despite its intense and graphic violence, the series has been criticized for its inconsistent writing and pacing.
  • グリザイアの果実

    2014年10月5日 / 天衝 / Front Wing / 渡辺明夫

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its convoluted plot and inconsistent characterization.
  • ニセコイ

    2014年1月11日 / 龍輪直征 / 古味直志 / 杉山延寛

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its clichéd plot and shallow characters.
  • ノーゲーム・ノーライフ

    2014年4月9日 / いしづかあつこ / 榎宮祐 (MF文庫J『ノーゲーム・ノーライフ』/ KADOKAWA メディアファクトリー刊) / 大舘康二

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its shallow characters and reliance on fan service.
  • 魔法科高校の劣等生

    2014年4月5日 / 小野学 / 佐島勤 / 石田可奈

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its slow pacing and lack of character development.
  • アカメが斬る!

    2014年7月6日 / 小林智樹 / タカヒロ・田代哲也 / 中村和久

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its excessive violence and lack of character development.
  • 冴えない彼女の育てかた

    2015年1月8日 / 亀井幹太 / 丸戸史明(ファンタジア文庫/株式会社KADOKAWA 富士見書房BC) / 高瀬智章

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its shallow characters and reliance on clichéd plot elements.
  • 七つの大罪

    2014年10月5日 / 鈴木央 / 佐々木啓悟 小松麻美

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its inconsistent writing and lackluster character development.
  • 血界戦線

    2015年4月4日 / 松本理恵 / 内藤泰弘 / 川元利浩

    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its inconsistent writing and lack of character development.
  • オーバーロード

    2015年7月7日 / 伊藤尚往 / 丸山くがね(「オーバーロード」/KADOKAWA刊) / 吉松孝博;副人设:大久保淳二

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its slow pacing and lack of character development.
  • 終わりのセラフ

    2015年4月4日 / 徳土大介 / 原作:鏡貴也(集英社「ジャンプスクエア」連載)‖漫画:山本ヤマト‖コンテ構成:降矢大輔 / 門脇聡;副:山田歩、胡拓磨、ヒラタリョウ

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its excessive violence and lack of character development.
  • デス・パレード


    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its dark and disturbing themes.
  • Charlotte

    2015年7月4日 / 浅井義之 / 麻枝准(Key/VISUAL ARTS) / 関口可奈味、副人物设定:吉田優子、大東百合恵

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its convoluted plot and inconsistent characterization.
  • ワンパンマン

    2015年10月4日 / 夏目真悟 / ONE・村田雄介「ワンパンマン」(集英社「となりのヤングジャンプ」連載) / 久保田誓;副人设:小田剛生

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its shallow characters and reliance on over-the-top action.
  • Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活

    2016年4月3日 / 渡邊政治 / 長月達平(MF文庫J「Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活」/KADOKAWA刊) / 坂井久太;副人设:田中一真

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its inconsistent writing and lack of character development.
  • 僕のヒーローアカデミア

    2016年4月3日 / 長崎健司 / 堀越耕平「僕のヒーローアカデミア」(週刊少年ジャンプ / 集英社) / 馬越嘉彦

    This anime is popular among many fans, but it is often criticized for its repetitive story arcs and lack of character development.
  • 私がモテてどうすんだ


    This anime is popular among some fans, but it is often criticized for its clichéd plot and shallow characters.
  • エロマンガ先生

    2017年4月8日 / 竹下良平 / 伏見つかさ(電擊文庫 刊) / 織田広之(かんざきひろ)

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its excessive fan service and shallow characters.
  • 小林さんちのメイドラゴン

    2017年1月11日 / 武本康弘 / クール教信者(双葉社「月刊アクション」連載) / 門脇未来

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its lack of character development and repetitive story arcs.
  • ブラッククローバー

    2017年10月3日 / 吉原達矢(01~152)、種村綾隆(153~170) / 田畠裕基 / 竹田逸子、副人物设定: 德永久美子

    This anime has a large following, but it is often criticized for its slow pacing and lack of character development.
  • 盾の勇者の成り上がり

    2019年1月9日 / 阿保孝雄 / アネコユサギ(KADOKAWA MFブックス 刊) / 諏訪真弘

    Although it is popular among some fans, this anime is often criticized for its offensive themes and lack of character depth.
  • 約束のネバーランド

    2019年1月10日 / 神戸守 / 白井カイウ・出水ぽすか(集英社「週刊少年ジャンプ」連載) / 嶋田和晃

    Despite its popularity, this anime is often criticized for its dark and disturbing themes.