Person of Interest (Season 3)

ep.6 Mors Praematura

时长:00:43:40 / 首播:2013-10-29
While Shaw is abducted by Root, Finch and Reese get the number of Timothy Sloan (Kirk Acevedo), a real-estate investigator. Finch goes undercover as Sloan's assistant while Reese continues investigating Shaw's whereabouts. Sloan investigates the case of his foster brother, a man named Jason Greenfield (Michael Esper), who apparently died of a heroin overdose. Finch soon learns that Greenfield used to be a member of the organization Vigilance, which includes Peter Collier (Leslie Odom, Jr.) (from the episode "Nothing to Hide"). Meanwhile Shaw reluctantly agrees to help Root get into a CIA black site. Jason, who is alive, is one of the people held there, awaiting transfer. The transfer is intercepted by Vigilance, leading to a shootout. Root helps Jason escape and tells him to go to a location in South America. Reese and Shaw eventually save Sloan and recapture Root, but Collier gets away. Finch locks up Root in the Library.

Directed by Helen Shaver
Written by Dan Dietz

吐槽箱 13

#1 - 2013-10-30 22:43
(死亡一样地离开这 在别处活下去)
root比shaw高了大大大半个头 没查到root的身高 但shaw高165cm。。。。。。root快180了吧178什么的=口=
The Machine像是进入青春期的女孩一样XD 除了她智力远超普通青春期人类 Finch作为家长各种头痛尤其是女儿的女朋友 (你就不能换个女朋友吗XD
#2 - 2013-10-31 11:13
Dan Dietz这个剧本和上一季的“2πR”同样,好构思,巧致不到底,而瑕不掩瑜。双线交汇一件给了明显的预示,缘由与形式均可测,故而不存在惊喜,但它令人舒心。依赖节奏起伏的并行处理,平衡可。Carter-HR作为辅线孤立,得益于精炼和结构清晰,对主战场没有太多干扰。挺多不错的细节。男人们总算活跃起来了,good job!想象一下The Machine不对Root下达指示而是把兄弟两人的号码都发给Finch,营救成功的可能性同样非常高,那么为什么需要两组人分担任务?除了让故事更有看头外,或只有“重逢也是TM有意安排”可想,这位“上帝”的意图还真是值得玩味OTL“以及“she”,好想知道Finch对此的见解啊。Vigilance”在片中的性质还是很尴尬,那种程度的对立难道不会轻易变成捆缚于身的政治正确的绳索?在Greenfield家摊牌一段,感觉在突出Sloan的侦探潜质时对Finch有所弱化,对白要能稍微调整一下就好了,宅总的观察力和逻辑水平也是一等一的啊。客座Kirk Acevedo的表演放到这群人中间感觉特别浮夸。POI里只有同性间的空气才会暧昧不明(捂脸!比起小组成员,Shaw的作风其实和Root更合拍,但她还是狠揍了Root一拳弃暗投明,心头愉悦怎么破!话说你们别把炸弹放家里!我要看Fusco的戏啊剧组TAT
#3 - 2013-12-19 21:16
#4 - 2014-11-1 17:09
#5 - 2015-1-26 01:03
root + shaw 就是传说中的百合组了吧!
#6 - 2015-6-3 14:12
#7 - 2015-10-2 11:51
#8 - 2015-11-22 12:50
(Anyone should take the consequences for his action)
#9 - 2015-11-22 12:51
(Anyone should take the consequences for his action)
#10 - 2016-8-14 18:57
#11 - 2017-10-5 16:27
#12 - 2021-11-29 11:08
#13 - 2022-6-1 00:12
(玫瑰幻色终是梦, 石径悠长方为真)