Black Mirror (Series 2)

ep.2 White Bear

时长:00:42:02 / 首播:2013-02-18

In a bedroom, a woman named Victoria Skillane (Lenora Crichlow) wakes up in a chair to find she can't recall anything about her life. Apparently the result of a failed suicide attempt, Victoria is surrounded by images of a small girl (whom she assumes to be her daughter) as well as photos of her and an unknown man. Victoria sees an unusual symbol on the TV screens in the house. Leaving the house, Victoria sees people constantly recording her on their phones. After being chased by a masked man with a shotgun, she soon meets up with Jem (Tuppence Middleton), who explains that the symbol denotes a transmitter called 'White Bear', whose signal has turned most of the population into dumb voyeurs who do nothing but record everything around them. Victoria and Jem are unaffected, but are also a target for the 'hunters', one of whom wears a mask with the same symbol that was on the TV screens. Jem plans to reach the signal's transmitter to destroy it.
As they travel, Victoria and Jem are picked up by a man named Baxter (Michael Smiley) who is also unaffected, but drives them to a forest and holds them at gunpoint. Although Jem manages to escape, Victoria is tied to a tree and about to be tortured until Jem kills her attacker. They continue travelling to the transmitter, while Victoria starts to have visions of past and future events. When they reach the White Bear transmitter to destroy it, Victoria and Jem are attacked by two hunters. Victoria is able to wrestle a shotgun away from a hunter and fires at her attacker - only for it to spray confetti.
The walls open to reveal an audience applauding after observing the escapade; Jem and the hunters are revealed to have been part of a charade all along. Victoria is strapped into a chair, while Baxter appears and explains everything; the girl that Victoria assumed to be her daughter was actually a six-year-old schoolgirl named Jemima Sykes, whom Victoria and her fiancée, Iain Rannoch (the man from the photographs) had abducted a few miles from her home. After taking her to a nearby forest, Iain proceeded to torture and kill Jemima while Victoria recorded his actions on her mobile phone. The 'White Bear', originally the victim's teddy, was a symbol of the nationwide search and murder investigation, while the symbol on the screens and on the hunter's mask was identical to the tattoo that identified Victoria's fiancée (who had committed suicide in his cell before the trial). Having tearfully pleaded guilty and insisting that she had been 'under Iain's spell', Victoria was given a sentence that the judge described as 'proportionate and considered' - to undergo this mob-recorded, poetic justice every day.
Victoria, who still has no clear memory of these events, is driven back to the compound past a crowd baying for her blood (under encouragement from the staff) and returned to the room where she woke up. She is placed back in the bedroom chair, has her memory of the day's events wiped as she screams in agony, and will face the same scenario all over again the following day.
Over the end credits, we see the staff of the 'White Bear Justice Park' prepare for another day as they set up the scenario. The voyeurs are members of the public who are there to see Victoria suffer while using their phones to record the show. A calendar in the house reveals that she has already gone through this ordeal at least eighteen times. The episode ends as it began, with Victoria waking up in the bedroom chair with no memory.

吐槽箱 18

#1 - 2013-2-20 14:27
#2 - 2013-2-20 14:44
#3 - 2013-2-22 19:13
(人家不是宅了啦 > <)
#4 - 2013-2-25 13:27
(有些东西,不靠战争是保护不了的!! ... ...)
#5 - 2013-3-16 14:24
#6 - 2013-7-23 15:25
#7 - 2015-2-15 22:17
#8 - 2015-8-3 14:05
#9 - 2015-12-14 20:33
(看剧就是图一乐,无论是神作还是狗屎,你的生活的不会有任 ...)
被绑架的小女孩 被绑架的大众 被绑架的女主
#10 - 2016-4-10 22:19
(Anyone should take the consequences for his action)
#11 - 2016-10-25 12:52
#12 - 2017-9-12 18:32
#13 - 2018-3-3 03:44
#14 - 2018-4-9 08:58
#15 - 2018-5-12 13:48
#16 - 2019-5-13 17:45
#17 - 2020-7-6 05:26
正义、法制、看客、惩罚之类的探讨说太多了  我说点别的

#18 - 2024-1-25 00:22
(誰か散らせ 僕がここに居たという証も ...)