Jubilost Narthropple 朱比罗斯特·纳斯罗泊

  • 简体中文名: 朱比罗斯特·纳斯罗泊
    • 别名:
    • 昵称 朱比
  • 性别:
  • 种族: 侏儒
  • 职业: 炼金术士
  • 阵营: 混乱中立
  • 信仰: 德丝娜
  • 喜欢的食物: 洋葱汤、烤银鳗鱼
  • CV: Abe Goldfarb


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    The name of Jubilost Nartropple is known to each and every educated person in all of Avistan. Or rather Jubilost himself won't accept the idea that someone, who does not know his name, could possibly be called an educated person. A renowned adventurer, who traveled the Inner Sea region back and forth, prolific writer and tireless explorer, Jubilost likes to brag, that every good household is bound to have at least one of his books - whether it's an expensive illustrated atlas or a cheap collection of cooking recipes. He doesn't care that those envious of his many talents call him haughty and rude - after all he can insult them much worse - and in a dozen different languages at that!


