David Boring 漫画

  • 作者: Daniel Clowes
  • 出版社: Jonathan Cape Ltd
  • 价格: USD 18.60
  • 发售日: 2002-11-7
  • 页数: 124
  • ISBN: 9780224063234


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    Terry Zwigoff's movie of Daniel Clowes' extraordinary graphic novel "Ghost World" has brought Clowes hordes of new readers. Every one of them will be eagerly awaiting the adventures of Clowes' new hero: David Boring, a nineteen-year-old security guard with a tortured inner life and an obsessive nature. When he meets the girl of his dreams, things begin to go awry: what seems too good to be true apparently is, and what seems truest in Boring's life is that, given the right set of circumstances (in this case an orgiastic cascade of vengeance, humiliation and murder), the primal nature of mankind will come inexorably to the fore.

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    nekojiruso 读过 @ 13h 27m ago


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