3 Dreams of Horses

  • 中文名: 三马梦
  • 上映年度: 2018
  • 片长: 6分钟
  • 国家: 加拿大
  • 导演: Mike Hoolboom


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      Raw film material consists in part of gelatin, which is made of the skin and bones of animals, including horses. The traces of light that shape our audiovisual dreams are thus imprinted on parts of animal bodies. Through the subtle use of audio, this found-footage collage focuses on images of the horse as an attraction, an animal of burden, and a mythological creature.
        "In 1900 there were 130,000 working horses in Manhattan. Horses were a central part of our lives. Jeremy Bentham: "The question is not: can they reason? Nor, can they talk? But, can they suffer?" M. Hoolboom

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      Blackwell 看过 @ 2024-3-5 23:58

      只有第一个算梦,后两个与梦无关 第三个模仿博卡诺夫斯基的实验动画有点傻

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