Mr. Holmes 电影

  • 中文名: 福尔摩斯先生
  • 原作: Arthur Conan Doyle, Mitch Cullin
  • 主演: Ian McKellen, Laura Linney, Milo Parker, 真田广之, Hattie Morahan, Patrick Kennedy, Roger Allam, Phil Davis, Frances de la Tour, Charles Maddox,、真田広之
  • 上映日: 2015-02-08
  • 片长: 104分钟
  • 国家/地区: 英国、美国
  • 语言: 英语
  • imdb_id: tt3168230
  • 导演: Bill Condon
  • 编剧: Jeffrey Hatcher


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    Mr. Holmes is a 2015 mystery film directed by Bill Condon, based on Mitch Cullin's 2005 novel A Slight Trick of the Mind, and featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. The film stars Ian McKellen as Sherlock Holmes, Laura Linney as his housekeeper Mrs. Munro and Milo Parker as her son Roger. Set primarily during his retirement in Sussex, the film follows a 93-year-old Holmes who struggles to recall the details of his final case because his mind is slowly deteriorating.

    Principal photography began on 5 July 2014, in London. The film was screened out of competition at the 65th Berlin International Film Festival and had its premiere on 7 February 2015.

    The film was released in British cinemas on 19 June 2015,and in the United States on 17 July 2015.

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    Umbrage_ 看过 @ 2024-1-14 05:01

    也許是一部面對大眾的好的情感片,但對這個角色的處理很不理想。故事薄弱,和原典的關聯性很差,還會說華生根本不了解福爾摩斯云云。整個情節用在三集片的高智商反社會頭上也許還算合適,按這片解釋的原作福早就該在橘核或跳舞小人後隱退了,搞得對煽情戲碼也只感覺奇怪。我根本不覺得原作向的福爾摩斯是所謂情商低下的人,要是離原作風格遙遠一些還好接受,但是這片扮相卻總要人聯想過去原作,很容易誤導人覺得原作福也可能這樣,儘管情節上和原作類似的地方,只有和爬行人雷同的尋藥強身健體。總之我不太喜歡這種秘史向的,在原作框架基礎上做過多的不同解釋,同時還要挖掘和角色不合的,不同方向的作風。不過裡面的影視梗還挺有意思的,還有一個在二戰失去父親的小男孩羅傑…這部電影可以叫Roger Waters遇見福爾摩斯吧。

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