Don't Feed the Freaks


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    "If you're reading this. If you find this book; I'm sorry but I have no answers. But I can tell you what I've seen and what I know".
    A young man travels the lifeless wasteland of what was once civilization. He's following the breadcrumbs of an apparent thriving society hidden somewhere in the vast, long-dead wilderness.

    This short was crazy-fun to work on. It was ambitious as hell and was the cause of many sleepless nights but I really got to run with my imagination in a way I feel I haven't for a while. Just balls-to-the-wall creativity and it was really frustrating and really fun. It's also a story about isolation and I love to make those, considering around 75% of my short films are about being alone.

    This short film is fourth in a series I've created. The other 3 take place within the walls of Autodale and are more dystopian than apocalyptic.

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    Sawarin🎐 看过 @ 2024-5-19 12:23


    清风烟魂 看过 @ 2022-6-27 18:44


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