Dragons of Autumn Twilight 小说

  • 中文名: 秋暮之巨龙
  • 出版社: Random House
  • 发售日: 1984-11
  • 页数: 448
  • ISBN: 9780880381734
  • ISBN-10: 0880381736
  • 作者: Tracy Hickman、Margaret Weis


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    Dragons of Autumn Twilight is a 1984 fantasy novel by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, based on a series of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) game modules. It was the first Dragonlance novel, and first in the Chronicles trilogy, which, along with the Dragonlance Legends trilogy, are generally regarded as the core novels of the Dragonlance world. The Chronicles trilogy came about because the designers wanted novels to tell the story of the game world they were creating, something to which TSR, Inc. (TSR) agreed only reluctantly. Dragons of Autumn Twilight details the meeting of the Companions and the early days of The War of the Lance. This novel corresponds with the first two Dragonlance game modules, Dragons of Despair and Dragons of Flame, but with a different ending. The novel introduces many of the characters that are the subject of other novels and short stories.
    The title Dragons of Autumn Twilight follows a pattern with the other novels in the series, Dragons of Winter Night and Dragons of Spring Dawning, as they all start with Dragons, followed the names of the seasons, Autumn, Winter, and Spring, as well as a series of time, Twilight, Night, and Dawning.
    Margaret Weis includes allusions to A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, one of her favorite stories. References include But there was something disquieting about him—secret, silent, self-contained, and solitary as an oyster and The fate of mankind is my business. This quote is turned from meaning good to meaning harm.

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    戦闘妖精ミハエル 读过 @ 2023-8-27 14:02

    朱学桓真是梦想照进现实的中二病楷模了, 记得我小时候看的魔戒译本也是他的. 附带的大量作者脚注感觉有种看评论音轨版本的快感. 比起作为奇幻文学的优秀, 给我带来的更多是AD&D世界观和剧本创作的方法论. 文中一直提到的“三角”均衡(e.g. 半精灵主角: 人类女剑士(恶), 纯血精灵(善), 世界危机(混沌))是一个填充框架的好点子. 以及战斗场景确实传神, 传神到看到文字我就能全自动转译table game时的场景了(笑).

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