标注数 ·  排名 · 日期 · 名称 排序
  • 传送门 2 OST 1-3 Portal 2: Songs to Test By - Volume 1-3

    2011-09-29 / Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory


  • 传送门 2 OST 3 Portal 2: Songs to Test By - Volume 3

    2011-09-29 / Mike Morasky(Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory)

    7.5 (13人评分)

  • 传送门2 游戏原声 Portal 2: Songs to Test By (Collectors Edition)



  • 传送门 2 OST 2 Portal 2: Songs to Test By - Volume 2

    2011-07-01 / Mike Morasky(Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory)

    6.9 (11人评分)

  • 传送门 2 OST 1 Portal 2: Songs to Test By - Volume 1

    2011-05-25 / Mike Morasky

    6.9 (10人评分)

  • 传送门 2 OST(Buka) Portal 2 soundtrack (Buka)

    Mike Morasky
