#1 - 2023-5-7 11:46
Nevermore (Make that money;Watch it burn)
Its a ideal I learned from a boardcast,  where a comment telling a  story about how his father  had been terriblly sick and  alway required some unresonalble things, like making the son to give up his job to take care of him while they were not exactly be able to afford that.  
           And here was how the host answered it: You shouldn't try to satisify your old folks' every desires blindly, just like you can't satisfy every whims of an infant, especially considering olders are not all that different from a child,  the age catching up on them, disturbing their judgements and all. The essential point is to satisfy yourself,  give them what you believe is best for your old parents, as you would  for a baby :)
          I agree with the host, thus the thread titile. What's your thoughts on this?
#2 - 2023-5-10 15:55
Sounds like some usual fortune cookie tips
#2-1 - 2023-5-10 18:35
Its a quite new ideal for me.
#3 - 2023-5-10 16:07
(What are you waiting for)
So what do you do for your family?Did you do it as the article said?
#3-1 - 2023-5-10 18:30
I've done nothing, they are too young for the tip yet.  But I always wish to ban my father from cigarette and douyin)
#4 - 2023-5-10 16:10
#4-1 - 2023-5-10 18:53
Not that the father was inherently bad, it happens to every elder in diferent degrees.
#5 - 2023-5-10 16:25
Isn't it a bit inappropriate to learn this in advance without raising children or taking care of the elderly.
#5-1 - 2023-5-10 18:32
Yeah, it's all theory, maybe it  only sounds convincing but sucks in practice.
#6 - 2023-5-10 17:37

用工具自动 grammar check
#6-1 - 2023-5-10 18:34
Cool, what is the tool?
#6-2 - 2023-5-10 18:44
⁧離 見 の 見
Nevermore 说: Cool, what is the tool?

Once we reach a certain age, we lose all faith in elders.
Therefore, we are losing touch with families as human beings due to our advanced age and growing callousness.
#6-3 - 2023-5-10 19:03
離 見 の 見 说: https://bangumi.tv/group/topic/376626

Once we reach a certain age, we lose all faith in elders.
Checked alll the tools mentioned in that thread, no one had the effects in your picture, or is it Grammarly?
#6-4 - 2023-5-10 19:10
⁧離 見 の 見
Nevermore 说: Checked alll the tools mentioned in that thread, no one had the effects in your picture, or is it Gr...
quillbot + Github Gist
#6-5 - 2023-5-10 19:31
離 見 の 見 说: quillbot + Github Gist
Found a easy solution, thank you anyway)
#7 - 2023-5-10 21:54
(小圣杯邀请码: whyjxz14#576501)