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    The T-1000 Advanced Prototype, also known as 1000 Series, is a Terminator series produced by Skynet in 2029. The 1000 Series Terminator is fully autonomous, and unlike previous Infiltrator models that used rubber skin — and then finally living tissue over a metallic endoskeleton, the T-1000 is made entirely out of a liquid metal called "mimetic polyalloy", meaning it can reform into any shape it touches of the approximate size, thus calling it a "shape-changer". It cannot transform into any random object, such as a pack of cigarettes, as that size is considerably smaller. Neither can the T-1000 transform into any object that requires machinery to operate, such as a bomb. Another severe limitation of the T-1000 is that it cannot generate conventional weapons on its own volition, although it can utilize weaponry and vehicles found. It can, however, organically form primitive, blunt weaponry such as hooks, or stabbing weapons like knives. The usual modus operandi of the T-1000 is to impersonate civilians found or killed, only attacking once the target has been identified.

