标注数 ·  排名 · 日期 · 名称 排序
  • X的悲剧 The Tragedy of X

    Rank 169

    1932-04-03 / Barnaby Ross (Ellery Queen) / 康诺、林木、鄭凱云 / Viking Press / 373

    8.7 (65人评分)

  • 希腊棺材之谜 The Greek Coffin Mystery

    1932-04-23 / Frederick A. Stokes

    8.7 (31人评分)

  • Y的悲剧 The Tragedy of Y

    1932-09-11 / Barnaby Ross (Ellery Queen) / 许琼莹、郑秀美 / Viking Press / 344

    8.5 (22人评分)

  • Z的悲剧 The Tragedy of Z

    1933-03-26 / Barnaby Ross (Ellery Queen) / 林大容 / Viking Press / 302

    6.8 (12人评分)

  • 荷兰鞋之谜 The Dutch Shoe Mystery

    1931-10-16 / Frederick A. Stokes


  • 暹罗连体人之谜 The Siamese Twin Mystery

    1933 / Stokes


  • 法国粉末之谜 The French Powder Mystery

    1930 / Frederick A. Stokes


  • 哲瑞·雷恩的最后一案 Drury Lane's Last Case

    1933 / Barnaby Ross (Ellery Queen) / Viking Press


  • 罗马帽子之谜 The Roman Hat Mystery

    1929-08-16 / Frederick A. Stokes


  • 哲瑞·雷恩系列 Drury Lane Series

    1932-04-03 / Barnaby Ross (Ellery Queen)


  • 玻璃村庄 The Glass Village

    1954-08-16 / Ellery Queen / Little, Brown and Company


  • 恐怖的研究 A Study in Terror

    1966 / Lancer Books


  • 美好的私密之地 A Fine and Private Place

    1971 / World Publishing Company


  • 十日惊奇 Ten Days' Wonder

    1948 / Little, Brown and Company


  • 错误的悲剧 The Tragedy of Errors and Others

    1999 / Ellery Queen / Crippen & Landru


  • 半途之屋 Halfway House

    1936 / Stokes


  • 埃及十字架之谜 The Egyptian Cross Mystery

    1932-10-20 / Stokes


  • 美国枪之谜 The American Gun Mystery

    1933 / Stokes

  • 西班牙披肩之谜 The Spanish Cape Mystery

    1935-04 / Stokes(精装版)、Redbook(完全版)

  • 埃勒里·奎因的冒险 The Adventures of Ellery Queen

    1934 / Ellery Queen / Stokes


  • 灾难之城 Calamity Town

    1942 / Little, Brown and Company
